Encikol – XP Broad Spectrum Biocide Disinfectant has outstanding bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal, algaecidal,slimicidal and sporicidal properties.

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ENCIKOL – XP is a very efficient, multipurpose high level Broad Spectrum Biocide disinfectant, with very fast action, long
residual effect even at low concentrations. It is a perfect synergistic blend of a cationic polymer, biguanide quats,
activators, stabiliser and biodegradable surfactant.

Active Ingredient

Each 100 ml contains NLT (Not Less Than % w/v)
Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride : 8.0
N-Alkyl N-Benzyl -N-N-dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride : 7.0
Poly (Hexamethylene) biguanide hydrochloride : 1.0
Stabilisers and Excipients : Q.S


ENCIKOL – XP is effective in a wide range of disinfection applications such as:
Poultry Farms and Hatcheries
Food processing plants
Veterinary establishments

Wide range of exceptional biocidal activity
Effective even in presence of organic matter and hard water
Ultra fast action, long residual effect
Low toxicity
Non corrosive to metals, rubber, wood and plastic at user dilution
High UV and temperature stability
Environment and user friendly


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