Eggkleen is a specialized concentrated multi-spectrum sanitizer and cleaning agent, providing an easy and highly effective solution for cleaning dirty eggshells.

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Egg Sanitizer for Poultry

It’s a specialized concentrated multi-spectrum sanitizer and cleaning agent, providing an easy and highly effective solution for cleaning dirty egg shells and food processing equipment and machinery.EggKleen is the one of the best Egg Sanitizer and Incubator Disinfection which helps in maintaining overall Poultry health

Active Ingredients
It is based on a unique combination of complex agents and surface tension reducing compounds in an alkaline solution.


It can be applied manually, with pressure washers or with modern foaming equipment for the removal of:

Grease, fat, oil, blood
manure, faeces, feed residues
other organic matter

Packing Size
1 litre and 5 litre


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