
C-909 is a Hatchery Disinfectant kills bacteria, molds and viruses which is effective in presence of organic matter & also in Hard Water

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Hatchery Disinfectant for Poultry – Introduction


C- 909 is a specialized chemically balanced multi-spectrum disinfectant which kills bacteria, molds and viruses which cause diseases in poultry. It is effective even in the presence of organic matter and so also in hard water. Recommended for use in Hatchery and Farm disinfection. Contains selective rust and corrosion inhibitors.

Combination of selective potent quaternary ammonium components

C-909 over Chlorine
Chlorine is active only for a few hours as it gets evaporated. Water is hence prone to re-infection.C-909 is stable and active.
for the whole day providing total protection.
Due to its poor sustaining capacity Chlorine is inactive against pathogenic organisms.C-909 is effective against a wide range.
of microorganisms including bacteria, fungus and viruses besides several pathogenic varieties.
Chlorine is toxic when used at high levels.C-909 is absolutely safe at reasonably high levels.
Chlorine is capable of irritating the mucous membrane of humans causing respiratory disorders.C-909 has no side effects.
Chlorine leaves behind an unpleasant taste and odour. C-909 is tasteless and odourless.

Packing Size
1 litre and 5 litre


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